Like the title says and in the words of Bruce Buffer, “WE ARE LIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!” It took me a while to organize my new little home on the world wide web, but here it is, and I look forward to making it better and sharing my experiences with all of you. You can link directly to my twitter, facebook, and instagram from here. You can also visit my store and buy a T-shirt. All proceeds go to the “Get Dr. Babu out of medical school debt” fund (funny name for a charity, isn’t it?). I hope to be adding more designs and products as time goes on.
As usual I hope to write about my experiences in traveling and learning about other languages and cultures and at times maybe expound some medical knowledge. I may even post auf deutsch or en español at times. I recently came back from Rock am Ring in Germany, so for your viewing pleasure you should watch this epic performance from the Foo Fighters.